Li'l Rhody Runaround

8 Mi

Age Group Results

November 20, 2022

Results by SNERRO ( Using MyLaps BibTags SNERRO,LLC

Men: Top Finishers 14-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-99
Women: Top Finishers 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-99


Female Top 3 Winners

                                                                                               Chip         Gun  
    Place    Name                              City              Bib No  Age   Overall         Time        Time  
       1    Kassandra Spitler                 Middletown  RI        900   34       10        55:08.0     55:08.0

Male Top 3 Winners

                                                                                               Chip         Gun  
    Place    Name                              City              Bib No  Age   Overall         Time        Time  
       1    Brendan Atkins                    Old Lyme  CT          891   37        1        48:35.0     48:35.0

Male 14 to 19

                                                                                               Chip         Gun  
    Place    Name                              City              Bib No  Age   Overall         Time        Time  
       1    James Endyke                      Needham Heights  MA   830   18       19        57:56.0     57:56.0
       2    Owen McLaughlin                   Westerly  RI          920   19       25      1:01:23.0   1:01:23.0
       3    José Santos                       Providence  RI        834   18       93      1:18:10.0   1:18:10.0

Female 20 to 29

                                                                                               Chip         Gun  
    Place    Name                              City              Bib No  Age   Overall         Time        Time  
       1    Sarah Kemble                      Boulder  CO           859   27       27      1:01:35.0   1:01:35.0
       2    Kira McCully                      Wakefield  RI         864   23       43      1:06:00.0   1:06:00.0
       3    Heather Boucher                   Stonington  CT        841   24       88      1:16:49.0   1:16:49.0
       4    Annie Carlson                     Bristol  RI           734   28      128      1:26:39.0   1:26:39.0
       5    Vivienne Strmecki                 Wilton  CT            840   25      129      1:28:17.0   1:28:17.0
       6    Abigail Byrne                     Providence  RI        922   26      133      1:32:05.0   1:32:05.0
       7    Mackensie Dupont Crowley          Providence  RI        845   27      134      1:32:06.0   1:32:06.0

Male 20 to 29

                                                                                               Chip         Gun  
    Place    Name                              City              Bib No  Age   Overall         Time        Time  
       1    Brian Coyne                       Manchester  CT        861   24        2        48:41.0     48:41.0
       2    Thomas McLaughlin                 Westerly  RI          803   22        9        54:46.0     54:46.0
       3    John Toth Jr.                     Narragansett  RI      777   21       12        56:00.0     56:00.0
       4    Simon Manlove                     Ashaway  RI           828   20       13        56:02.0     56:02.0
       5    Joseph Coyne                      Manchester  CT        866   25       26      1:01:25.0   1:01:25.0
       6    Cooper Robinson                   Wakefield  RI         865   25       29      1:01:58.0   1:01:58.0
       7    Bryan Aldana                      Providence  RI        833   25       50      1:07:29.0   1:07:29.0
       8    Ian Dykens                        Westerly  RI          808   29       74      1:12:33.0   1:12:33.0
       9    Samuel Dixon                      Groton  CT            881   24       92      1:18:03.0   1:18:03.0

Female 30 to 39

                                                                                               Chip         Gun  
    Place    Name                              City              Bib No  Age   Overall         Time        Time  
       1    Alice Bechtol                     Newport  RI           809   32       39      1:04:58.0   1:04:58.0
       2    Sarah Thomas                      Providence  RI        795   38       42      1:05:42.0   1:05:42.0
       3    Shelly Rivera                     Mystic  CT            805   39       52      1:07:42.0   1:07:42.0
       4    Beth Travers                      Coventry  RI          791   36       56      1:08:50.0   1:08:50.0
       5    Sarah Parker                      North Stonington  C   832   31       62      1:10:43.0   1:10:43.0
       6    Emily Lynch                       Hope Valley  RI       748   38       68      1:11:21.0   1:11:21.0
       7    Megan Wilson                      Coventry  RI          793   38       75      1:12:52.0   1:12:52.0
       8    Lizzie Littlewood                 Groton  CT            846   34       85      1:16:38.0   1:16:38.0
       9    Marissa Sardelli                  Wakefield  RI         923   38       86      1:16:40.0   1:16:40.0
      10    Hannah Lescarbeau                 North Kingstown  RI   819   34       97      1:19:31.0   1:19:31.0
      11    Lauren Hayek                      North Kingstown  RI   771   32      112      1:22:48.0   1:22:48.0
      12    Lindsey Saleeba                   Warren  RI            892   37      121      1:24:48.0   1:24:48.0
      13    Sara Pearson                      Ledyard  CT           877   38      126      1:25:37.0   1:25:37.0

Male 30 to 39

                                                                                               Chip         Gun  
    Place    Name                              City              Bib No  Age   Overall         Time        Time  
       1    Ben Quatromoni                    Newport  RI           899   35        3        49:36.0     49:36.0
       2    Jasper Frank                      Providence  RI        758   34       21        59:31.0     59:31.0
       3    Willem Lefevre                    Groton  CT            919   30       24      1:01:19.0   1:01:19.0
       4    Justin Pearce                     North Stonington  C   839   33       28      1:01:40.0   1:01:40.0
       5    Renz Buhawe                       Westerly  RI          812   35       30      1:02:01.0   1:02:01.0
       6    Adam Hogue                        Cranston  RI          747   33       35      1:04:11.0   1:04:11.0
       7    David Sosnowski                   Chadds Ford  PA       821   31       38      1:04:50.0   1:04:50.0
       8    Randy Wolfe                       Wakefield  RI         848   39       46      1:06:58.0   1:06:58.0
       9    John Clarke                       Saunderstown  RI      790   34       59      1:09:36.0   1:09:36.0
      10    Timothy Burns                     Key West  FL          801   38       69      1:11:41.0   1:11:41.0
      11    Victor Rivera                     Mystic  CT            806   39       71      1:12:06.0   1:12:06.0
      12    Sidney Olefson                    Bristol  RI           815   36       82      1:15:01.0   1:15:01.0
      13    Stephan Bohanan                   Newport  RI           782   33      100      1:20:10.0   1:20:10.0

Female 40 to 49

                                                                                               Chip         Gun  
    Place    Name                              City              Bib No  Age   Overall         Time        Time  
       1    Elizabeth Allen                   Providence  RI        873   41       36      1:04:29.0   1:04:29.0
       2    Abigail Anthony                   Jamestown  RI         779   41       44      1:06:54.0   1:06:54.0
       3    Jennifer Massengale               Mystic  CT            887   42       47      1:07:13.0   1:07:13.0
       4    Kathleen McPherson                Harmony  RI           836   41       58      1:09:31.0   1:09:31.0
       5    Sinead Campion                    East Greenwich  RI    820   48       67      1:11:19.0   1:11:19.0
       6    Heather Alge                      Hopkinton  RI         753   40       72      1:12:19.0   1:12:19.0
       7    Natalie Edwards                   Waterford  CT         811   44       76      1:13:01.0   1:13:01.0
       8    Kara Niewohner                    Portsmouth  RI        732   45       91      1:17:48.0   1:17:48.0
       9    Mary Vieira                       Jamestown  RI         857   42       94      1:18:19.0   1:18:19.0
      10    Tara Ward                         Wakefield  RI         762   44       96      1:18:37.0   1:18:37.0
      11    Jamie Johnson                     Hampton  CT           879   46       99      1:20:08.0   1:20:08.0
      12    Beth Welshman                     Wakefield  RI         743   48      105      1:21:37.0   1:21:37.0
      13    Annie Campbell                    Charlestown  RI       871   46      107      1:21:38.0   1:21:38.0
      14    Emma Palmacci                     Willington  CT        769   46      135      1:33:17.0   1:33:17.0
      15    Lisa Menard-Manlove               Ashaway  RI           827   48      136      1:33:55.0   1:33:55.0
      16    Amy Romero                        Providence  RI        862   43      138      1:35:05.0   1:35:05.0
      17    Jennifer Ramos                    Warwick  RI           863   40      139      1:35:06.0   1:35:06.0
      18    Amy Pilotte                       Portsmouth  RI        738   44      140      1:40:55.0   1:40:55.0
      19    Autumn Cyr                        Bolton  CT            750   47      142      1:42:52.0   1:42:52.0
      20    Kelley Schwartz                   Bristol  RI           883   43      147      1:49:31.0   1:49:31.0
      21    Christine Brainard-Barnes         North Kingstown  RI   772   42      151      2:26:06.0   2:26:06.0

Male 40 to 49

                                                                                               Chip         Gun  
    Place    Name                              City              Bib No  Age   Overall         Time        Time  
       1    Cole Godek                        West Warwick  RI      786   40        5        51:44.0     51:44.0
       2    Nick Alge                         Hopkinton  RI         754   42        6        51:59.0     51:59.0
       3    Justin Bentley                    Ashaway  RI           773   45        7        52:30.0     52:30.0
       4    Jonathan Hammett                  Charlestown  RI       784   47        8        54:23.0     54:23.0
       5    Benjamin Folsom                   North Kingstown  RI   884   41       11        55:51.0     55:51.0
       6    Jeremy Picard                     North Kingstown  RI   765   48       14        56:04.0     56:04.0
       7    Michael Obara                     North Kingstown  RI   852   46       15        56:05.0     56:05.0
       8    Ned Connelly                      Wakefield  RI         814   46       16        56:46.0     56:46.0
       9    Todd Gregory                      Wakefield  RI         843   45       17        57:53.0     57:53.0
      10    Daniel Northup                    North Kingstown  RI   886   40       18        57:55.0     57:55.0
      11    Robert Low                        West Hartford  CT     807   47       20        58:39.0     58:39.0
      12    Eric Army                         Edgewood  RI          878   41       22        59:37.0     59:37.0
      13    Edward Slater                     Wakefield  RI         802   40       23        59:42.0     59:42.0
      14    Kevan Hauver                      Coventry  RI          854   48       31      1:02:37.0   1:02:37.0
      15    Rob George                        Wakefield  RI         781   48       34      1:03:05.0   1:03:05.0
      16    Jason Rossi                       North Kingstown  RI   824   47       40      1:05:14.0   1:05:14.0
      17    Jeffrey Frost                     Medford  MA           785   40       48      1:07:22.0   1:07:22.0
      18    Ethan Brown                       Jamestown  RI         780   45       53      1:08:18.0   1:08:18.0
      19    Bob Kerwin                        Uncasville  CT        813   48       60      1:09:55.0   1:09:55.0
      20    Paul Torti                        West Warwick  RI      882   48       66      1:11:11.0   1:11:11.0
      21    John Gallo                        West Warwick  RI      888   49       70      1:11:42.0   1:11:42.0
      22    Matt Chittim                      Coventry  RI          804   41       73      1:12:29.0   1:12:29.0
      23    Jeremy Noessel                    Wyoming  RI           775   48       79      1:14:04.0   1:14:04.0
      24    Jeff Pike                         Bolton  CT            751   48       89      1:17:00.0   1:17:00.0
      25    Kevin Cummings                    Wakefield  RI         837   40       98      1:19:39.0   1:19:39.0
      26    Jeremiah Sardelli                 Wakefield  RI         770   41      120      1:24:29.0   1:24:29.0
      27    Matthew Saleeba                   Warren  RI            893   49      122      1:24:49.0   1:24:49.0

Female 50 to 59

                                                                                               Chip         Gun  
    Place    Name                              City              Bib No  Age   Overall         Time        Time  
       1    Pamela Lezaeta                    Wakefield  RI         844   52       32      1:02:46.0   1:02:46.0
       2    Terry Allen Lanza                 Newport  RI           890   59       33      1:03:00.0   1:03:00.0
       3    Leslie North                      Kingston  RI          851   52       41      1:05:25.0   1:05:25.0
       4    Claire Gadrow                     Wakefield  RI         868   53       64      1:11:04.0   1:11:04.0
       5    Lori Iskander                     Charlestown  RI       746   52       84      1:16:06.0   1:16:06.0
       6    Diane Reese                       Wakefield  RI         849   57       95      1:18:33.0   1:18:33.0
       7    Priscilla Glucksman               Cranston  RI          867   51      102      1:20:25.0   1:20:25.0
       8    Laura Bottaro                     East Greenwich  RI    876   50      104      1:21:34.0   1:21:34.0
       9    Victoria Fanelli Reed             Bristol  RI           745   58      113      1:22:49.0   1:22:49.0
      10    Karen Steinmetz                   Providence  RI        897   51      115      1:22:58.0   1:22:58.0
      11    Tracey Clarke                     Saunderstown  RI      789   58      116      1:23:18.0   1:23:18.0
      12    Stephanie Diprete                 Providence  RI        794   51      119      1:24:17.0   1:24:17.0
      13    Kim Raymond                       Wakefield  RI         744   55      124      1:25:01.0   1:25:01.0
      14    Sharon Ripp                       Lisbon  CT            760   56      130      1:28:29.0   1:28:29.0
      15    Veronica Hinds                    Foster  RI            856   54      131      1:28:51.0   1:28:51.0
      16    Louise Murphy                     Wyoming  RI           776   55      143      1:44:34.0   1:44:34.0
      17    Gina Boyajian                     Warwick  RI           894   54      145      1:49:21.0   1:49:21.0

Male 50 to 59

                                                                                               Chip         Gun  
    Place    Name                              City              Bib No  Age   Overall         Time        Time  
       1    Jeff Walker                       Westerly  RI          741   58        4        50:20.0     50:20.0
       2    Steve Wiltshire                   Franklin  MA          742   53       37      1:04:35.0   1:04:35.0
       3    Eddie Davies                      North Kingstown  RI   818   50       54      1:08:39.0   1:08:39.0
       4    Bob Garlton                       Gales Ferry  CT       921   55       55      1:08:50.0   1:08:50.0
       5    John Gadrow                       Wakefield  RI         869   53       65      1:11:05.0   1:11:05.0
       6    Howard Mahady                     Narragansett  RI      870   52       77      1:13:20.0   1:13:20.0
       7    Michael McLaughlin                Westerly  RI          787   54       78      1:13:56.0   1:13:56.0
       8    Brian Anderson                    Pawcatuck  CT         885   50       80      1:14:49.0   1:14:49.0
       9    Stephen Servidio                  Mystic  CT            757   56       81      1:14:57.0   1:14:57.0
      10    David Tetreault                   Narragansett  RI      872   59       90      1:17:44.0   1:17:44.0
      11    Matt Demaio                       Old Saybrook  CT      796   51      103      1:20:37.0   1:20:37.0
      12    Gregory Steinmetz                 Cranston  RI          896   50      108      1:21:43.0   1:21:43.0
      13    Peter Pillili                     Wakefield  RI         831   54      110      1:22:45.0   1:22:45.0
      14    Bill Bentley                      Lisbon  CT            761   56      117      1:23:28.0   1:23:28.0
      15    Mike Lemay                        South Windsor  CT     875   55      118      1:23:36.0   1:23:36.0
      16    Jon Medeiros                      Exeter  RI            853   57      127      1:25:54.0   1:25:54.0
      17    John Toth Sr                      Narragansett  RI      778   55      146      1:49:23.0   1:49:23.0

Female 60 to 69

                                                                                               Chip         Gun  
    Place    Name                              City              Bib No  Age   Overall         Time        Time  
       1    Susan Berlam                      Pawcatuck  CT         788   62       83      1:15:17.0   1:15:17.0
       2    Anne McArdle                      Coventry  RI          792   64      101      1:20:11.0   1:20:11.0
       3    Rose Turano                       Westerly  RI          817   60      111      1:22:46.0   1:22:46.0
       4    Cheryl Konsavitch                 North Stonington  C   763   61      125      1:25:04.0   1:25:04.0
       5    Doreen Wiggins                    Portsmouth  RI        733   60      141      1:40:55.0   1:40:55.0
       6    Diane Lang                        Hope Valley  RI       838   64      148      1:55:52.0   1:55:52.0
       7    Donna Bodell                      Hope Valley  RI       842   61      149      1:56:24.0   1:56:24.0

Male 60 to 69

                                                                                               Chip         Gun  
    Place    Name                              City              Bib No  Age   Overall         Time        Time  
       1    Kevin Murphy                      Pawcatuck  CT         825   66       45      1:06:58.0   1:06:58.0
       2    Frank Williams                    Bradford  RI          835   63       49      1:07:23.0   1:07:23.0
       3    Donald Burke                      Mansfield  MA         855   66       51      1:07:35.0   1:07:35.0
       4    Kenny Shardlow                    Johnston  RI          889   63       57      1:09:25.0   1:09:25.0
       5    Paul Collette                     Stonington  CT        810   66       61      1:10:14.0   1:10:14.0
       6    Bob Segal                         Providence  RI        860   69       63      1:10:55.0   1:10:55.0
       7    Kevin McCoy                       Johnston  RI          924   67       87      1:16:41.0   1:16:41.0
       8    Allen Hance                       Providence  RI        764   63      106      1:21:37.0   1:21:37.0
       9    Robert Buckingham                 New London  CT        850   62      109      1:22:41.0   1:22:41.0
      10    Michael Crooks                    Rockville  RI         736   66      114      1:22:50.0   1:22:50.0
      11    Louis Demichiel                   Charlestown  RI       737   62      123      1:24:52.0   1:24:52.0
      12    Joe Ferrini                       Rehoboth  MA          740   69      132      1:30:52.0   1:30:52.0
      13    Eric Winn                         Charlestown Ri  RI    895   67      144      1:48:35.0   1:48:35.0

Female 70 and Over

                                                                                               Chip         Gun  
    Place    Name                              City              Bib No  Age   Overall         Time        Time  
       1    Rose Buckingham                   Norwich  CT           858   74      137      1:34:33.0   1:34:33.0

Male 70 and Over

                                                                                               Chip         Gun  
    Place    Name                              City              Bib No  Age   Overall         Time        Time  
       1    Don Clukies                       Portsmouth  RI        829   80      150      2:06:16.0   2:06:16.0